Diabetes Device Guide

What Kind of Diabetes Tech is Out There?
Diabetes technology has evolved by leaps and bounds over the last few years and we want you to be informed and educated about your choices and what is available not "someday," but today. Whether you are a novice, intermediate, or expert with diabetes tech, follow this guide to get the most out of your gear!
Need more guidance on what diabetes technology is available for you? Check out DiabetesWise to see if your devices are still the right fit for you.
What's New in Diabetes Technology in 2023?
It’s no surprise that in 2023 technology has advanced more than ever, and the diabetes world is no exception! Are you interested in learning more about how you can manage your blood sugars in a more efficient way? We’re here to give you information on some of the latest tools. We will discuss the Omnipod 5 system, Freestyle Libre 3 CGM, InPen, and Tandem t:connect Mobile App.
What is the Omnipod 5 System?
If you haven’t heard yet, the Omnipod 5 system is an insulin pump that communicates with the Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitor (CGM). With the use of SmartAdjust™ technology, it automatically adjusts insulin delivery (dosing extra insulin for high blood glucose levels and suspending insulin delivery for low blood glucose levels) allowing you to be in range more often throughout the day. Not to mention, this device is compatible with your smartphone using the Omnipod 5 app. Lastly, the Omnipod 5 is FDA-approved for individuals with type 1 diabetes ages 2 and up, so even the little ones can use it. Learn more about the Omnipod 5 system here.
The New & Improved Freestyle Libre 3 CGM
The great thing about the Freestyle Libre 3 CGM is that it provides real-time alerts when you have high and low blood glucose levels. Compared to the older FreeStyle Libre CGMs, the Libre 3 has a discreet design with its small and thin sensor. Also, there is no need to scan your sensor to view your blood glucose level. Instead, the Libre 3 shows continuous data on your smartphone and is compatible with iOS and Android devices. Check out the FreeStyle Libre website for more information.
I’ve heard about smart insulin pens. How do they work?
The InPen is a smart insulin pen that uses bluetooth technology to send data to your smartphone and calculates recommended insulin doses based on your glucose levels and meal history. This injection pen is also compatible with the Dexcom G6 CGM. What’s nice about the InPen is that the corresponding smartphone app tracks and calculates everything for you, and it even gives you dose reminders. This product works with Novolog, Humalog, and Fiasp rapid-acting insulins, but you are also able to log your long-acting insulin doses on the app. Click here to learn more about how the InPen works.
Bolus delivery straight from your phone!
The Tandem t:connect mobile app conveniently allows patients to view their CGM and bolus data. While the app is open and running on your phone, it is able to maintain the bluetooth connection with the t:slim X2 insulin pump to receive updated information. Not only does the app have pump notifications and alerts, but it also allows you to bolus directly from your phone! Learn more about the app features here.
These are just some examples of advancements in diabetes therapy that we wanted to shed light on, but there are many more available and in the pipeline. If you need a refresher on your available options, check out our Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Delivery comparison guide and our tips for upgrading your diabetes device game below!
Technology for Delivering Insulin
What is an insulin pump? An insulin pump is a device about the size of a cell phone that contains a cartridge of rapid-acting insulin. A pump has a screen and buttons for programming the pump's internal computer, and a precise motor that pushes the insulin from the cartridge into your body through a thin plastic tube called an infusion set.
Want to compare different methods of delivering insulin?
Check out our Comparing Diabetes Devices handout.
Got a question about insulin pumps?
Visit our Diabetes Devices FAQ to learn more.

Technology for Monitoring Glucose
What is a CGM? A CGM (continuous glucose monitor) is a way to measure glucose levels in real-time throughout the day and night. A tiny electrode called a glucose sensor is inserted under the skin to measure glucose levels in tissue fluid. It is connected to a transmitter that sends the information via wireless radio frequency to a display device or cell phone.
Want to compare different models?
Check out our Comparing Diabetes Devices handout.
Got a question about CGMs?
Visit our Diabetes Devices FAQ to learn more.

What kind of diabetes tech user are you?

Tech User
Who You Are
You might be pretty new to diabetes or you might just be happy with your ‘old school’ ways. If it isn't broken, why fix it?
If you’ve had diabetes for a while and your control is awesome with your current methods, by all means, feel free to disregard the rest of the page! If you are interested in adopting more technology for your diabetes, read on.
What You're Using
You are most likely on needles or pens, daily injections and should be checking your blood sugar 4-6 times a day.
Tips to Level Up
Educate yourself and better understand the options out there. Read up on some common questions about pumps and CGMs in our Diabetes Devices FAQ.
Maybe the next time you’re in clinic, you can ask the Diabetes Educator to touch and feel the different Insulin Pumps.
Check out our ‘Introduction to Insulin Pump’ class today detailed on the Clinical Programs page.
Check out books like Pumping Insulin by John Walsh to better understand what an pump is and it’s capabilities.

Tech User
Who You Are
You understand your choices and consider yourself ‘diabetes technology aware.’
You know what to do when you’re high, you know what to do when you’re low. In other words, you have a pretty good control on things.
Perhaps you are new to the world of pumping or you’ve been a loyal, long-term pump user for a while.
What You're Using
You are using an insulin pump and are supposed to check your blood sugar 4-6 times a day (but let’s be honest, sometimes it’s more and sometimes it’s less).
Tips to Level Up
Did you know most CGMs check your sugar continuously and with accuracy - no more middle of the night checking (just take a glance at the CGM and you’re good to continue your zzz’s). It is still recommended to check yourself 4-6 times a day, but if you are wearing a CGM, you can see exactly when you’re high and low throughout the day. You have a much better idea of your trends and habits.
Check out these comparison charts of the latest CGM devices and Insulin Pumps.
Check out books like The Pink Panther Book on Understanding Insulin Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitors and the Artificial Pancreas.

Tech User
Who You Are
You are an expert technology user, and you know your diabetes tech options. You also know that technology is always changing and that the diabetes landscape is constantly shifting.
Perhaps you have a pump or a CGM, but not both..."what’s the point of having two sites"? Or you are a pump and CGM user and would love to learn some tips and tricks of the trade.
What You're Using
An insulin pump, CGM, both, or just one - and it’s by choice.
Tips to Level Up
Brush up on diet tips and tricks to improve your BG control even further. Check out sites like DiaTribe for ideas!
Did you know a recent study has shown that CGM could lead to better HbA1c values?
"Randomized controlled studies have provided evidence that...HbA1c results can be improved in patients with type 1 diabetes with elevated baseline HbA1c when using a CGM frequently enough..."
Stay updated; stay educated and learn about the many options out there. Check out these comparison charts of the latest CGM devices and Insulin Pumps.
Do you have a digital watch to see your CGM data? Are you using a closed-loop system or do you prefer your trusty Dexcom and pump? Are you on a G4 or G5?
Check out expert classes such as Advanced Pump Features or Refresher Class given by our clinic or read books like John Walsh’s Pumping Insulin: Everything for Success on an Insulin Pump and CGM.
Also, check out this guide for Dexcom G5 CGM users that was developed by a fellow pediatric endocrinologist with tips for real time use of CGM. If you are interested in using these tips, please discuss with the diabetes team.
CGM and sharing data gave us a lifeline and freedom that we didn't know even existed.
- Amy O, parent of 2 T1D patients